Playing Casino War couldn't be easier! To start off, place your bet on either "Player" or "Dealer." Once both bets are placed, one card will be dealt face-up for each side. If your card outranks the dealer's card, congratulations! You win even money on your initial wager. However, if your card ranks lower than theirs or they draw a higher-ranked matching pair (known as going to war), you'll have two options:
- Surrender: Forfeit half of your original bet and end the round.
- Go to war: Place an additional bet equal to your original wager and continue playing.
If you choose to go to war and win this subsequent round by drawing a higher-ranked card than the dealer's second face-up card or forcing them into surrendering due to their inability to match it exactly (known as winning by default), then victory shall be yours! In the event of another tie, you have the option to surrender or go to war once again.